
Risk-Screening Environmental Indicators (RSEI) Model Output

Risk-Screening Environmental Indicators (RSEI) Model Output
Data Category
Health outcomes
Spatial Extent
United States
TRI chemicals
Environmental Protection Agency
Temporal Resolution
Annual Average
Update Frequency

Uses Toxic Release Inventory data to provide estimates on the amount of toxic chemicals released or transferred from facilities, together with factors such as the chemical’s fate and transport through the environment, each chemical’s relative toxicity and potential human exposure. Explore data for chemicals, industry sectors, facilities and geographic areas with the greatest potential for chronic human health impacts. Includes modeled chemical concentrations, toxicity-weighted concentrations and RSEI Scores.

Potential Uses
• Find modeled concentrations of specific chemicals
• Find associated risk for a chemical
RSEI does not produce risk estimates. Does not cover all potential exposure routes or all health effects. Model uses simplifying assumptions. Only considers pollution from facilities that report to TRI. Based on industry-reported data. Toxicity information is missing for some chemicals. Some microdata is too large to be downloaded to a standard computer. RSEI doesn’t produce risk estimates but it does provide the data you’d need to estimate for example, excess cancers cases.
Associated Tools or Datasets