The process for petrochemical facilities to apply for a permit to begin or expand operations varies from state to state. 

Industrial facilities like petrochemical plants are required by federal law to provide public notice when applying for most state and federal environmental permits that authorize an increase in pollution to public air, land, and water resources from the operation of proposed or existing facilities. Public notices may also be required for the renewal of such permits or for modifications to an industrial facility’s process that may alter the environmental impact of their operations.

Public notice resources

Here are some public notice resources for the Texas and Louisiana state regulatory agencies: the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) and the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality (LDEQ).

TCEQ Public Notice Search – Texas database

LDEQ Public Notice Search – Louisiana database

Air Alliance Houston’s AirMail (Texas) – A free tool designed to help advocates track and take action on polluter permit notices in their area

Permit applicants may also be required to post notice in a local newspaper and at the property line of a proposed or existing facility. The public notice period typically begins when notice has been published in a local newspaper. 

The public may also sign up for public notification mailing lists by county/parish or for specific facilities by contacting the relevant permitting agency:

Office of the Chief Clerk
MC 105, TCEQ
PO Box 13087
Austin, TX 78711
Email or call (512) 239-3300

PO Box 4313
Baton Rouge, LA 70821
Email or call (225) 219-5337

Environmental Protection Agency rules for petrochemical facilities

The federal rules governing petrochemical facilities are complex; additional information is coming soon to this page, but for now, here’s a high level overview from EPA.